Sunday November 1 2020
1-HR PM2.5: 10-20
Singapore 34°C/24°C
ST Index 2,423.840 -26.840

Top Stories

Some customers went down to Robinsons' stores to meet up with long-time employees.
How different will a Biden administration be from Trump's?
Venture out with The Sunday Times Picture Desk photojournalists, as they explore remote spots around the island.
The former Hollywood heart-throb died in his sleep while in the Bahamas.

For Subscribers

The debate over whether the Government should introduce a minimum wage for workers is good for Singapore.




    The pandemic has renewed interest in such subscription boxes for kids as families spend more time at home.
    The ability to understand and act on intercultural and global issues saw Singapore students claim the top spot.


    Know what you can afford, and avoid mindless consumerism.
    Orient your pandemic buying to those things that may add to your security and savings.
    Excess global supply is depressing prices and the glut is not likely to atrophy.


    His physical presence helped make the Bond movies a hit.
    We shortlisted 10 chocolate and hazelnut stuffed doughnuts for a blind taste test.

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